SQ450 (Squalene Extract)


* Retail Price in Japan : ¥6,000   * Exclusive product of Health Trends   * Product history of 19 years   * 120x Capsules
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-Easily Absorbed by the Body
-Legacy product of over 19years
-Effective Liver Care Supplement

★ Key Benefits

☑ Provides Cells & Tissues with Oxygen ☑ Cell Rejuvenation
☑ Greatly Enhances Immunity ☑ Retains Skin Moisture
☑ Liver Care ☑ Anti-Cancer Effects & more

Eliminates Lethargy – Squalene supplies your body naturally with an abundance of pure oxygen, rejuvenating your cells. In this process, you feel rejuvenated and recharged.

Enhances your Immunity – Squalene works to rejuvenate your cells for better cell performance, resistance to diseases is then enhanced. Here’s why you sometimes hear that sharks don’t get cancer.

Skin appears Moisturised – Squalene supplies oxygen to all parts of your body, and that includes your skin, the largest organ of a human body. Squalene also contains vitamins such as C & E that are essential for a good skin maintenance. Evidently, Squalene is present in many high-end cosmetic products.

Additional information


120x Softgels


99.9% Squalene

Gross Weight



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