Gingko Leaf Extract


* Retail Price in Japan : ¥8,500   * Exclusive product of Health Trends   * Product history of 18 years   * 90x Softgels
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SKU: GLE-90SGL Category:


-Legacy Product of over 18years
-100% High Quality Ingredients
-All Natural, Made in Japan

★ Key Benefits

☑ Improves brain functions ☑ Improves Bloodflow to the Brain
☑ Helps prevent Dementia ☑ Slows down signs of aging brain
☑ Natural Mood Booster ☑ Expect other benefits as well

Contains combination of plant Extracts for memory support:

Ginkgo Leaf Extract – contains functional antioxidants that can dilate your blood vessels, causing improved blood circulation to the brain which potentially improves the memory, reducing risks of dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Pine Leaf Extract – has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that can stimulate your immune system to prevent infection for a better, uninterrupted blood circulation.

Saffron – is full of natural antioxidants and its unique characteristics could offer some protective benefits against the amyloid plagues which links to Alzheimer’s disease. Saffron is commonly used as a herbal remedy to improve blood circulation.

Vitamin E – are fat-soluble compounds with distinctive antioxidant properties that help to protect cell damage from free radicals. Vitamin E can also perform metabolic functions in the immune system and works with other enzymes in the body to suppress damaging acids.

Soybean Lecithin – a rich source of healthy dietary fat which can also reduce cholesterol, leading to better arteries and overall cardiovascular health.

Additional information


90 Softgels x 250mg


130mg Ginkgo Leaf Extract, 100mg Pine Leaf Extract, 20mg Vitamin E, 40mg Saffron Powder, 40mg Soybean Lecithin, 170mg Safflower

Gross Weight



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